Monday, October 21, 2019

Time with friends

One of my DEAREST friends, Laura, who lives far, far away came for a visit to Portland. Actually, her awesome husband gave her a surprise gift of a trip to Portland to visit her old besties. We went to the beach and hung with our families. It was incredible, Love this woman so, so much.

Another of my dearest friends, Erin, was also briefly in Portland and I got to swing by and give her a quick hug. I sure wish these special people weren't so far away!!

My prayer group friends have made it a tradition to go away once a year on a retreat together. This year we dug into the Enneagram, and it was incredible I'm continuing to be astonished how this area of study reveals what is inside, and how God uses it to grow and strengthen us. Love these women. Missing Sommer :(

As if I am not spoiled enough with the riches of friends, God goes and further lavishes His love upon me by including me in this beautiful collection of women. Funny enough, I had become good friends with many of these ladies through different avenues, and then later discovered ALL of them were part of a tight knit group of friends from a young marrieds group going back 10+ years. They all go away yearly on a retreat of sorts, and were so sweet to invite me to join. Again I say, I am rich in friendship.Thank you Lord!!

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