Saturday, October 26, 2019

Happy 4th of July - Camano Style

One day we may not all be able to gather together at Camano for 4th of July, so I will relish every year we are able to do it. We had another awesome time celebrating together. There was LOTS of "excitement", including the guys tipping over in the kayaks while pulling in the crab, Marin getting stuck in the quicksand as the tide was quickly coming in (this is actually not a funny story, it was super serious and we almost called 911/coast guard because we were in a remote area and she was up to her waist. My sister and Max actually saved her life, I'm not even joking you. Go hug your family right now because you never know what can happen), a 70th birthday celebration for my parents, fireworks (of COURSE), yummy food, the parade, Winnie digging holes in my parents' yard, hiking, campfires, s'mores, cousin time, sister time, brother time, parent time, crabbing, kayaking, kite flying and of COURSE lots of beach time. We are thankful for our family!

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