Thursday, October 17, 2019

Happy Easter

We had a wonderful celebration at our house for Easter, and were so happy that our family could join us. Max was baptized at church, and he got the chance to read aloud his "story" with the family all around. Such a special one this year!

God has been saving my life for years, starting from when I was born.

When I was born, I could not cry because I could not breathe. The doctors had to work very hard to save me. God saved my life. Little did I know, this would not be the last time…

Eight months later, I was so sick that whenever anyone touched me, I cried out in horrible pain. I had a really high fever. I went to the ER and they did lots of tests but I wasn’t getting better. Lots of people were praying for me. They had one last thing to test, which is called an MRI. They had to put me to sleep for that, and when I woke up, I was healed. This happened on Easter Sunday, the same day Jesus rose from the dead.

A few years later, God saved me again. I almost drowned in the deep end of the pool.

Last year, another incident happened. I had a really bad accident on the treadmill. My face was severely injured and I’m so thankful God spared my eyes because I love to read.
By this time I was old enough to realize that God had been saving my life all these times.  I realized God cares about me. I gained a friendship with God over the years. My faith is larger now. A friendship with God used to feel impossible, but now that I know Him, it’s real to me.

I decided to be baptized because now that I have a friendship with God, I want others to know His ways and His truths. I wanted to be baptized on Easter because it’s a special day for me and Jesus. We were both healed on that day, so we have a special bond.

I want to end with a favorite verse. It is John 15:13-16 – Jesus says:
“No one has greater love than the one who gives their life for their friends. I have called you friends. I have told you everything I learned from my Father”

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