Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hawaii 2019

One of Kyle's main objectives during his summer sabbatical was to take all of us to Hawaii. He has not stopped dreaming of Maui since we went there a few years ago for our anniversary. That trip truly was luxurious. We were all so excited to have a new adventure together!

And we had an incredible trip, despite the true fact that vacationing with kids is not the same as an adults only trip :) Shocker! Honestly in many ways, this trip was both a dream come true, and a test of our patience. We had many, many things not go according to plan, and at times, I'll be honest, we had to fight for our joy. There were a few freak accidents along the way (the most costly of which was paying $700 for a replacement stove in the rental), and varying expectations and hopes for each day together. But, guess what? THIS IS LIFE IN A FAMILY. It's actually somewhat laughable that we would expect otherwise!

The VERY best beach day was Day 1 because nobody was chafed or burned yet :) The kids LOVED that day! We all loved the night swimming at our pool, and in the moonlit ocean (that last part freaked me out a little). We also all loved the luau on Max's actual birthday, we had front row seats! Maddie was so close to the fire throwing, she actually had to come and sort of hide behind me. It was very intense. The airplane ride was actually super fun, and it was really amusing for me to see how much they loved flying. Adults are cranky, ha ha! Kids love this stuff!

Another highlight was the wild chickens everywhere (I even got a new hat to commemorate). It's like squirrels in Oregon, except I still don't really understand where they lay their eggs, seeing that they just roam free in parking lots and street corners.

Our car rides in the rental van were also fun, because it was SORT of like real life, but not :) I enjoyed drinking straight from a coconut, and we all had the fanciest meal of our LIFE at Mama's Fish House. Not sure the kids got the magnitude of such a place, but again, Kyle was so determined to bless and spoil all of us with once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

We are so fortunate and thankful to be able to take our family of six on such a special vacation!

Maddie loves to be fancy for air travel.
She is a classy girl. Curlers :)

Our "backyard"

Our jungle hike!
Hiding in the flash rainstorm!

Max's birthday!

Chill time

A church we wandered into!

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