Friday, August 22, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday to Max

Happy birthday to my little Maxy, turning 5 years old. He holds such a special place in my heart ~ ever since he was born, his personality has just captured me. I just marvel at his spiritual depth, his compassion, his kindness to others, his smiling eyes, his kissable little cheeks, his capacity to love. He has the biggest heart, and it is filled to the brim. Regularly, his prayers at the dinner table end with something like "and thank you for my family and all the people who I love"... it's a long list! :) This year he will start kindergarten at Bethlehem, a unique half-day private school kindergarten program that our preschool started just this year. I think it will be a perfect fit for him. I love him so much, and am so blessed to be this little boy's mother :)

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