Friday, June 7, 2013

Marcus, 10 months old

Marcus is now 10 months old... woah baby, that's two digits!! pretty soon he'll be driving. Wait... he isn't crawling, walking or going on the potty yet, so I suppose I have a few good years left :) But he is finally SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! Thank you Jesus.

And he is super hilarious. FULL OF JOKES, that one... Head shaking, hair flipping (what hair you ask? good question, but he can flip it with the best of them), head tilting, clapping, saying "more" in sign language (but never in a situation where you might want more), throwing himself backwards to see if someone will catch him (most of the time someone does... GEEZ!!), lots of laughing and babbling... I guess this all sounds like pretty normal baby behavior, but since he is our last baby, all five of us think it's just plain magical! Love.


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