Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Our first science fair

Our school had a cool science fair, where in addition to the class projects, the kids had the option of submitting a proposal of a testable question, to be done at home with their families. They had to get approval, and then were given supplies for displaying their results.
Kyle took about one millisecond to say YES to this idea, he loves this stuff! He and the girls came up with the idea to test weight. Kyle built them a scale to compare items. They found a total of eight things around the house, had a hypothesis, a procedure for testing, and I helped them create the poster, documenting all their work. We displayed the results kind of like tournament brackets.
It was a lot of work, and I think Kyle and I were as invested in it turning out well (if not more, PERHAPS, at times... ahem...) than the girls. What can I say, for two math/science parents, we might have been a little giddy at our first science fair :)
The girls were excited to show us around their classrooms, and Max loved reading books in all the little corners we explored. AND Nana and Grandpa were also in town visiting, so they got to come along too!


And also... I promised Kyle I would be posting every single picture of him giving me the "are you seriously taking more pictures?" look :) He's racking up a lot!!

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