Friday, June 7, 2013

Phone friends

So Madeline got her first phone call from a school friend. It is from a cute girl in her class, also named Madeleine, but they call her "Maddy K"... it's funny how if, in kindergarten, there are two kids with the same name, they are stuck with their last initial until the day they graduate high school. This is going to be the case for her friend. For some reason, my girl is just "Madeline". Anyway I digress, but my point is...

She and this little girl (unbeknowst to me) exchanged phone numbers on the bus, writing them on little scraps of paper. Well this little girl promptly calls our house, I answer the phone, and a tiny (but confident) voice says "hello, can i please speak to Madeline"... i say "who is calling?" and she says "Maddy", so I perplexedly (not a word) hand the phone over and the two of them chit-chat for about 2 minutes, then say goodbye. I am both impressed and freaked out that 5 year olds now make social phone calls.

Madeline then BEGS me to call her the next day. I say "okay you can, but you will probably have to speak to her mother who will answer the phone". Oh no, forget it then... Having to be poised enough to handle her mother first is another thing ENTIRELY. She has decided maybe she'll be ready when she's a 1st grader... PHEW!!! For a minute there, I thought my second born was going to fling me headfirst into a world of "friend calling"... :)

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