Wednesday, August 14, 2013

See you in Heaven, Gran!

Kyle's grandmother passed away last month... She lived a long and full life, and was more than ready to leave this world and enter her forever home with her Creator. We loved her dearly, and will always remember her sassy jokes and witty comebacks. At her memorial, Gran's children prepared many special touches to help us remember. They passed out ceramic angels to all the little girls attending (Gran always spoke of the angels), little laser pointer flashlights to all the little boys (reminding us to be a light in this world), and also small bibles to everyone, with a picture of Gran inside. Inscribed it said "See you in heaven! Love, Gran"... She would always keep a collection of tiny bibles to pass out to people she met. Special things to remember an important and significant life.
My girl Madeline had an especially hard time dealing with her passing. When I first told her the news, she cried very hard for at least 30 or 40 minutes. Real shedding of emotion and feeling, as my little sweet pea dealt with this idea of not seeing Gran again for a long time. Then again at the memorial, when the "sad music" (as she called it), started playing, the tears flowed again and she clutched that little bible with Gran's picture for several days afterward. Madeline feels things deeply, and as I observe her and walk with her, I marvel about how God will use that precious, sensitive heart.
We love you Gran... See you in Heaven!!
All of Nana & Poppy's grandkids:
All of Gran's grandkids:
A sweet moment with the cousins and Gran, a couple years ago:

1 comment:

Corrigans said...

Sweet post for a sweet Granny