Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Maddox Keevin!

My sweet boy has turned four years old! I don't know what it is about the age of 4, but I remember with the other kids too that it felt like a LONG time coming... Like they already seemed that age, and FINALLY their birthday confirmed what was their reality... Just a funny mommy memory there :)
We celebrated Max's special milestone with a specially tailored day of his choosing. I was so pleased by the end of the day, because I could tell it really filled him up. He loved every minute.
His birthday cereal (for the second year in a row) was Lucky Charms... He opened a couple special presents, and then after breakfast, we went to church and Max got to announce to his class that it was HIS BIRTHDAY! And his girls promptly told everyone in their path "It's my brother's BIRTHDAY!!!" - they sang to him and he got a special birthday ribbon to wear. After church we went to Out of this World Pizza & Play, and used our gift card that Auntie Sarah & Uncle Drew gave the kids. They got a table-full of yummy food, and all the wild playing & jumping their hearts could handle. This lasted about four hours (Kyle ended up taking Marcus home for his nap, the other kids were still just going and GOING)... After we got home, it was pretty late for naps, so instead we let Max choose a new movie to watch (his choice: The Incredibles) and the kids sacked out together on the couch. We did a "make-your-own" pizza bar (his choice for dinner), and enjoyed a visit from Nana & Poppy who were swinging through town. Max then proceeded to dive into the remainder of his presents and went for a scooter ride through the neighborhood. The kids topped off the night with a swim in their underoos in the back yard kiddy pools (in their underwear?! why was that idea so appealing?! Seriously, redneck rodeo going on in our backyard...) - only to briefly pause for more cupcakes and ice cream. A good, good day to celebrate my special boy.
So the best of days to celebrate my precious little love. He has a sparkle to him that is just special and warms my entire heart. I am excited for this year of being 4 :) Happy Birthday to my darlin' Maxy!
Look at those cute buns...
We got all three big kids new scooters for Max's birthday... Took them for a spin (even Mom hopped on for awhile)!

1 comment:

Corrigans said...

Love it! What a fun mom you are with so many great ideas for an awesome birthday! All those little things combined sure makes them feel loved! Wish we could have celebrated with you!