Thursday, June 2, 2016

Marin's Timbers field trip

Oh man, I do love being with my kids' friends at school. I love volunteering, and I really love field trips. It is rare that I can go on a field trip with my big kids, because it is usually an all day commitment, and Marcus is only in preschool for a couple hours. Daytime sitters are hard to come by! But my favorite, Meredith, cleared her calendar for this special occasion because she loves me (I mean Marcus) that much. She actually is besties with Marcus, she used to watch him all last year every week during my volunteering. They miss each other! He was so excited to have a whole day with her. Like really... "Mom you can go now. Pleath leave now"... really excited :)

And guess where Marin's field trip took us??? To a Timbers game at Providence Park. There was a regional "Health and Wellness" event for students, so we got to take the Max train downtown and watch the U-23 team play a game, and go through all the booths about health and wellness. It was super fun. And super crowded. Being on downtown city streets with a bunch of 4th graders is no joke man, I even made my crew hold hands a couple times (they loved that, two girls - two boys - and a Mom holding hands, ha!) Actually they were real champs, and I only briefly lost a kid once on the Max train when the little punk (kidding, I love that kid!) slipped through the packed train to say hi to his friend. That freaked me out, but we found him quickly. Not on my watch are we losing any kids, my word.

Anyway, I had a delightful time with this little crew, and they are all the most precious and hilarious, exuberant and affectionate kids! I learn so many things from my conversations with kids in general. They have so much to share, and sometimes nobody to share it with. One reason I'm so glad our family is in public school - it was such a special day of me able to love on these kids, and be their cheerleader for a day. (I also taught a few kids some of the Timbers songs, ha!)... We had an awesome time, and it was such a fun experience all around. I. LOVE. THIS. STUFF!

My babies for a day ;)

Trying on Lacrosse gear. Just say no (to head lice).

One of the boys bought us cotton candy. Sweet young man!

My doll.

We are proud of our face tattoos.

Decompressing on the ride home!

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