Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Gone Fishin'... grown-up style :)

Usually all my posts about fishing involve at least one of our kids. But NOT THIS TIME!! My Dad's friends at his church run a ministry where they take kids fishing (specifically kids who wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to go fishing). All year long, they take their boats and gear out with these lucky kids, and even take them to a big fishing derby at the end of the season! To top off a year of ministry, all the guys go (just themselves) on a big fishing trip to the ocean (Sekiu). My Dad had been planning to go all year, and at the last minute found out that another spot opened up. Kyle was invited, and he quickly said yes :) It's pretty rare that Kyle does an outing like this, where he is NOT the one in charge. He is a very talented and experienced person in his areas of interest, so often he takes the lead in planning, details, etc... It was awesome for him to just pack his clothes, and tag along with a bunch of "older" dudes (in case my Dad is reading this, see I used quotes for a reason). I think besides Kyle, the youngest guy there was in his 60's. Like I said... awesome. They had an amazing time, and Kyle thoroughly enjoyed the time with my Dad, some incredible fishing, and also getting to know some new fishing buddies!

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