Monday, March 25, 2013

Max's first dentist trip & other motherly musings

You know you have become a more relaxed mother when you arrive at the dentist at lunchtime with all four of your kids, including a baby with no stroller, no electronics (besides the camera, so there would be proof), no food, no "things" to make this experience easier. You just waltz in with a baby on your hip, a diaper bag on your back, and three tiny kids following behind. "Hi I'm Lisa Corrigan, checking in all my kids for their cleanings"... :) Line-em-up-one-two-three, let's do this thing.
Seriously, I used to schedule everyone either separately or ask Kyle to take them, or take the morning off so I could focus on them one at a time. I don't know what has changed... Probably I have given up trying to make everything go perfectly! I actually think that's it... Having three, then four kids, has convinced me that "normal" means expecting (or at least not being surprised by) some chaos at all times... So I'm not going to fight it anymore!! :)
I'm being dramatic, actually the dentist appointment went very smoothly. No cavities, no tears, no problem... Max had his first experience, and he did great!
All my personal reflection came after the appointment when I thought back to how things used to go :)
Oh, and it also helps that my kids are getting older... So maybe it's not me :) It's them!! Did I mention that I ALSO went to Winco (yes, Winco) with all of them in this exact scenario (walking in a little line behind the cart since there was NO ROOM to even push the cart during the busiest moment in all of human history). I was also astonished and pleased at how it went.
Somebody pinch me please. Because either I'm dreaming this all up, or I am being so obnoxious bragging about this that I just deserve to be pinched.
Anyway, enough of that - here's some pics of Maxy's first dental experience!

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