Wednesday, March 16, 2016

St Patty's

We gathered with the Corrigans for our traditional St Patrick's Day meal. Corned beef, cabbage, Guinness, green attire & accessories... (side note, I noticed less people in this group are wearing green each year, what is happening here?!? *cough*teenagers*cough*cough*, this is an outrage - soon I'm going to start pinching people)

We also celebrated a few family birthdays, and I was able to finally make my little Sweet-Kates her own special Sweet-Cake, auntie style. I had promised her that one day I would make her a cake for her birthday, but it's tricky traveling with a cute cake, so I settled on this fun and easy design. She liked lots of chocolate (this is how I know we are related). I love my family!
Happy 11th Katie Bugs!

Little leprechauns left chocolate gold coins on our front step!

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