Thursday, May 14, 2015

New family members

We finally did it. We got chickens! The weekend before spring break, we decided on a whim (okay nothing is really on a whim in our household, but for us it was spontaneous), to go to the farm store and surprise the kids with chicks. Kyle had researched the breeds we wanted ahead of time (see? not totally spontaneous), and so he let each kid choose from a bunch of bins (funny to me how these little creatures cost no more than a handful of change, and are piled in like sardines, and yet become such attached pets... more on these "pets" later from Marin). So they each picked a chick and named it. 

Here is the rundown:
Marin picked a Buff Orpington, named Goldie Popcorn
Madeline picked a Red Sexlink named Lucky Clover
Max picked a Rhode Island Red named Bumble Bee Ketchup
Marcus picked a Barred Rock named Zebra (it really is black and white striped too, ha ha!)

We really had no advance preparation (see? this is out of CHARACTER)... Most people I know build a coop outside, then get the chicks. But no, we get our chicks, tape together a couple cardboard boxes, get some bedding, food and a heat lamp, and then decide on a coop. Kyle did lots of research at this point, decided on a design, and the kids and I marched our chicken feathers right down to the City of Hillsboro and got our permit. We were pretty proud of ourselves. 

For the last 6-8 weeks, Kyle has spent every spare minute building these four beauties a chicken palace. Our hens are more like queens and they will have the mansion to prove it. The man does nothing half baked, and well, if the chicken thing does not end up working out, he will have built himself a pretty nice man cave (ulterior motive perhaps? one cannot know...). Pictures are below to document this very exciting adventure!

(<(<(Side note... Marin is at it again with her precious little poems and essays... This one has no title, but I will type out her words... be still my PRECIOUS mother's heart!! She is profound.

I think a chicken or chick would be the perfect pet
A chicken would be the perfect pet because it would have a good use: laying eggs.
It is a good pet because it is inspirational sight to see it grow through it's life cycle also.
And it is a cute and adorable pet that makes you happy.
Finally, a chicken can change your life in many ways by giving you more emotion.
I told you why I think a chick is a good pet.)>)>)

Mom bringing the chicks for a show and tell at school!

Marin's message to the school on the entryway white board

We tried to get Marcus to put Zebra on his head, but no dice :) So Daddy filled in

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