Sunday, May 17, 2015

Celebrating Jack

Max's friend from preschool days, has been fighting leukemia since he was diagnosed at age 2. Jack is such a special friend to Max, and even this year when we don't see their family at school anymore, Max is very insistent about praying for Jack every day, to be healed from cancer. One of my favorite prayers that has stuck in my memory: "Holy Spirit, Doctor of Heaven! Please heal Jack! I know you can do this!" - and what do you know... This little fighter has conquered his 3.5 years of fighting cancer, and so their family had a big celebration. "No Mo Chemo" was the superhero theme, and it was amazing to see all their loved ones come out to celebrate this momentous day! They did a big balloon release, and Jack's grandpa shared a special prayer of blessing and thanks for him. A special day indeed!

Side note: this whole experience has really tuned me into the prayers of children. It astonishes and touches me how God speaks to children, and draws their hearts into prayer. After Jack's final cancer treatment, and he was declared CANCER FREE, Max occasionally continued to pray for Jack. At one point, he said "Mom, I know Jack is healed from cancer, but I feel like I should just still pray for him. Something else might happen to him". Two days later, I saw on Facebook that Jack was taken to the emergency room for an infection and high fever. Of course, mothers just have to share this with each other, so I promptly sent Jack's mom a message, just letting her know that God has her boy's back. He is tugging the heartstrings of other 5 year old boys, to pray for her son's protection. So amazing!! I love how God works, and I love to see how my children are learning to hear the voice of God.

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