Sunday, December 21, 2014

Little Max

Our little Max... he is not so little... His first year in kindergarten and it's like every single week, I see a new skill emerge. The late bloomer is starting to bloom. So many special moments with him lately, once again I am making a list :)

1. Learning the hand chimes - in his class, the kids have learned the hand chimes. This is similar to a hand-bell choir (if you remember those from your childhood), except they look like a flat iron. I found myself really curious how someone teaches a group of 5 year olds (some not even reading yet) how to play hand chimes, with parts and the like. I'm telling you, I learn almost as much as the kids at their schools! Ha ha. It was amazing how they played beautiful music, and Max took his parts very seriously.

2. Field trips - the latest one was with the Oregon Symphony - they put on children's concerts, and this one was "Brass" where they had about 7 different instruments represented - it was so awesome! They played Star Wars, Charlie Brown, and even some Christmas songs. Culture, baby.

3. Grandparents Day at school - Max was so excited to invite his grandparents to this special day, and Nana & Poppy were delighted to come to Grandparents' Day at school... (my parents were out of town on a trip)... He made a special invitation, and spent all morning with them doing special activities. Such sweet memories!

a hike with Grandpa on their last visit

4. Surprises for Mom... Max had some residual birthday money still left in his piggy bank - so Kyle took him on a special shopping outing to the cool toy store near our house... He spent a long time searching through all the options, and chose a couple fun things for himself. The best part of this story, though, is that he insisted that he save a portion of his money, because he wanted to buy me flowers. OH MY GOSH MY HEART. Kyle took him across the street, and they found a bright potted plant just for me. I can't believe this little boy, he is the best. I can picture his Daddy doing something similar :) I love them all.

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