Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Girls Trip (plus 1) to Chicago

My dear college friend Lanie is battling stage 4 cancer. People from around the world are praying for her healing and encouragement during this very difficult time. A few of us from college decided to make a trip out there to see her. So, despite all the odds (I have four children including a nursing infant, being the primary ones, har har), I was able to go with Val and Lindsay on this super special trip. My hubby blessed the effort, and took off work to man the home front. The nursing babylove came along for the ride, of course :)
Once again, I was a delinquent picture-taker, since I spent most of my free hands with Marcus... But thankfully Lindsay took tons of cute ones, which I shall share here :) I love the city of Chicago, it is beautiful and the people are way friendlier than the Northwest. I never knew we were all so grumpy, until I observed my inner monologue questioning everyone's motive for speaking to me. Ha. We had such a good time, sightseeing, eating, sleeping, talking, praying... I know the weekend wore out my dear Lanie, but I pray that our time together was a blessing to her. I sure love that girl.

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