Monday, July 9, 2012

Marin lost her tooth

We just had a momentous occasion in the Corrigan home - our first lost tooth! Marin has been working on several loose ones, and finally she talked Mom into yanking it out with her bare hands :) Oh the things I'll do for my brave 6 year old girl! The loose tooth was "pulled" just minutes after arriving home from a fun weekend with Nana and Poppy, and as you can see here during Poppy's storytime, I think Marin was already working on getting that thing out!

The tooth fairy surprised Marin in the morning with a gold dollar coin... She was only expecting a quarter, but as Marin told me "Mommy, I PRAYED that God would have the tooth fairy give me one... or two... or two million... dollars instead of a quarter, and look what happened!" (You can't make this stuff up) - Love my girl!