Thursday, August 18, 2011

Max turning 2

Our sweet boy turned 2 this month! Keeping with Corrigan tradition, on the morning of his special day, the birthday boy chose Fruity Pebbles for his "birthday cereal" (a phrase he repeats now about 20 times a day). He also sings "Happy Birthday to you" approximately 30 times a day. Since a huge birthday party was just a few days away, we had a quiet celebration on his day, complete with a birthday donut for dessert!

We are seeing his funny & charming personality come out more each day. He is chattering away, and loves balls, pacifiers (now limited to night time... "paci's are for nig-night!" is another favorite phrase), his blue & brown dot blanket, and best of all "sissy" which includes both girls. Best funny phrase of this season is when you tell him he's a good boy, he replies "No! I naughty boy!" then falls over hysterically laughing.

Maddox Keevin, you light up my life.

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