Monday, August 22, 2011

2011 Corrigan Family Vacation: ~ Longbeach, WA

For the first time in 15+ years, the Corrigan clan broke tradition and did our yearly vacation together somewhere other than Sunriver. We all absolutely love Sunriver, but our families are spread out so far, and the kids are all in school (we used to go over Labor Day), so this year we decided to try something new. We found the perfect location (thanks Mara & Nana for all your hard work scouting this out), two houses built right near the beach on a cul-de-sac just north of town. The original house was actually the first house built in Longbeach, built in the 1800's, and the second house is the detached garage that was remodeled into a two story house. Amazing! So private, quaint, spacious, inviting and warm. The owner is a Christian, and the house just seems to speak from its walls the love of God. Books beckon from the bookshelf on all sorts of interesting and uplifting topics, sparking many of us to browse and engage in conversation about their contents. The weather was gorgeous, the beach was beautiful, the town was close by & fun. Not to mention the pool table, foosball table, air hockey and enormous dining area.

I heard repeated by many of my family members, and I agree - this was one of the most relaxing, enjoyable and warm times we have had together. I personally appreciated all the many times I saw grace given, smiles & hugs exchanged and love poured out from all different angles (grandparents, daughters, sons, mommies, daddies, aunties, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters... did i cover it? i think that's all of us!)... I love my Corrigan family :) Pictures in white and blue are results of our coordinated effort to get some group pics, i think they turned out great!

Beach shots (kite festival going on too!):


1 comment:

Corrigans said...

It was a great time! Our only regret is that we had to leave early! Next year we'll be there the whole time... I'm putting in my order for the same weather too please!! :)