Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Trains with Nana

Being four years old has brought lots of new and fun experiences into Marin's life. Both her Nana's treated her to special activities involving a train ride.

First Nana Susie took her on a train ride to Longview for the day, a tradition she has continued with all the grandchildren to celebrate turning 4. So special! Beaming smiles all around :)

Then Nana Pam & Grandpa Steve invited Marin for a special overnight stay at their house in Renton. We met them in Olympia for the hand-off, she stayed for three days and Nana brought her home on the train. We are lacking loads of pictures of these festivities because once again, there was boycotting of the camera. Oh well, what matters most was it was a very special time for her, on her first trip that far away from home without her family!

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