Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bye-Bye Old Blue...

We bid farewell to my very first car, the blue 1994 Honda Civic... Kyle has been driving it since the swagger wagon came on the scene in 2006. I bought her used in 1999 right before I graduated from college. I have such fond memories of my wheeling and dealing. The guy I bought it from was probably so exasperated with my negotiating, he just gave me what I wanted. Now that's what I like to hear! :) I think it's a well known fact I am the best haggler (better than hag!) in this family. Except maybe Maddie, she is pretty convincing as well.
Kyle had to do some major work to get it ready to sell, and thanks to his and Poppy's persistence, they accomplished a huge feat. Like father, like son... I'm so thankful to have such a handy husband (trained by the master!)

I'll leave you with one final thought on Old Blue... This is a conversation between Kyle and Marin (Kyle narrating)...

"I asked Marin if she remembered that Dad got a new car yesterday... to which she replied 'Yes'. I then asked her if she liked my new car or the old blue car better... to which she replied 'I like the new car. I don't like old cars. Old stinky cars make my mouth worry'"... :)

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