Friday, September 13, 2024

Springtime in the Suburbs

My blog is getting real haphazard! We are going to cover a lot of ground at the speed of light. Lots going on around here in the springtime suburbs... Some highlights include Maddie teaching preschool (at high school and at church), Maddie taking two college tours,  Marin creating masterpieces in Ceramics and Robotics and refining her Engineering senior project (check out that welding photo in our garage!), Marin also whipping up Italian sodas for the kids at church, Lisa enjoying the women's retreat and a local Foursquare conference with church, Lisa and Kyle giving out parenting advice on a panel at church (it almost pains me to write that sentence, as anyone knows there is no foolproof advice for any of us... Help us Lord!!), Marcus working as a "big buddy" to a 2nd grade class, his and our very last elementary "Donuts with Grownups" for our tall buddy (almost taller than both of us), lots of dates with our favorite people, not to mention several hospital visits thanks to the unpredictability life and the blessing of health insurance. Phew! 

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