Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Happy 45th Birthday to Kyle

The second major event to happen during our month-long COVID stretch was Kyle's birthday. This birthday was a little trickier to make special, because all the preparations had not yet been done and I was down for the count. Once again, I am superbly blessed by friends who have come to the rescue. One friend dropped everything and took her four little kids all around town with her, shopping and birthday planning for me. Her sweet kids even bought him extra presents from the dollar store (their presents were PERFECT). The did not want "Mr. Kyle" to be sad if he didn't have a lot to unwrap. At this point, Kyle was healthy but I was very sick, so even the cozy home stuff I like to do was just not possible. People kept telling him "your best gift is you never got sick!" At this point it had been an entire week and he was doing well. Too bad that night, it hit him. I'm thankful he could feel good majority of the day, even if he was still working hard taking care of the rest of us. It's moments like these I remember that it is the people we love that are the most important things in this world. The traditions, gifts, celebrations, vacations, ability to leave our house (!!) are all things we cherish but they are not the most important thing. Happy birthday to the one I love!

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