Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Cabin Weekends

When your good friends have an amazing cabin, and are ridiculously generous, you sometimes get lucky enough to be invited there. Yay us!! And because we have five million kids in our friend group, we did the very wise thing and took turns with guy/girl weekends. The guys had the most amazing weather, and the ladies got a bucket of rain HOWEVER we do not let weather decide our attitudes. "No bad weather, only bad clothes"... RIGHT GIRLS?! I live by this Swedish mantra as a native Northwesterner, and I will never stop saying it. My one friend who shall remain nameless, has personal rules like she won't go walking unless it's above 40 degrees, so she really REALLY loves it when I'm constantly spouting this. We had an amazing time, both weekends. One thing Kyle and I both commented on afterwards, is how generous and servant-hearted this group of friends is. We are newer to this crew (a few years in now), and the rest of them have been doing life together for 15 years. They have mastered the art of who-does-what on these weekends, and there is an overflowing of serving each other. It's like even sort of tricky to figure out what I can do to contribute (ha). It is such a gift and blessing to join a community like this, because it is just such an awesome example of what community should be like. I love all of these people so much, it makes my face hurt from smiling!!

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