Friday, July 2, 2021

Family Music Recital

The pandemic drags on... so that meant no in-person recitals for our family this spring. This will be one of the BIGGEST things I will look forward to getting back: live-music-performing for these kids. So in classic "reinvent something to make it work at home" Corrigan style, we decided to have a family music recital, where everyone had to play at least one piece INCLUDING us parents. This little detail made the kids get a tiny bit more excited. They hear each other play their music all day every day, so a recital with just us was struggling to get some momentum. They made me promise not to take any videos. We decided to have everyone dress up, make a fancy dinner, and set up chairs. I even learned a new song! It's been many, many years since I've done that. It was fun! I might start playing more :) Kyle played a song on the guitar, and sang a song from the kids' childhood. It was very sweet. The rest of us played piano (Marin decided not to play her violin, since she also enjoys piano improv). It was honestly somewhat chaotic and not-at-all-like-regular-recitals... but I'm so glad we did it. These kids could write a book with all the weird things we have done during this pandemic! I love my family. I am determined to still make memories!

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