Sunday, May 18, 2014

Weekend in Springfield

One of my old college besties, Lanie, got married in Springfield, MO last weekend. I don't even know why I am so blessed, but I somehow found myself with free airplane tickets (Lindsay), and a giving husband willing to take vacation time and be on 4-kid duty for three entire days - all of which gave me the chance to see my friend marry the love of her life, after a long year of battling stage 4 cancer. I cannot even explain how meaningful the entire time was, because we were celebrating a marriage and a life. Lanie is alive, and she is kicking! It is a miracle, a testament to "God's not done with her yet on this earth", and a gift to all who love her. I am a lucky girl, getting to celebrate and laugh my entire weekend away, surrounded by several old college friends who make me remember those golden years of college, UCU, etc...

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