Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Star Student Max

In preschool, you get to be the Star Student when it's your birthday (or half-birthday)... Max celebrated turning 4.5 at preschool with a special celebration poster, and as luck would have it - it was my day to volunteer and bring snacks :) Perfect timing! Max chose donut holes, oranges, orange juice and cheese sticks. It was quite the strange collection of food, but the half-birthday boy got to choose :) I loved hearing him tell his class all about his family, his life, his perspectives on life. He is hilarious, and he doesn't even know it. I adore him.
The poster says:
My favorite animal is: gorilla, cheetah, crocodile
My favorite place is: a snowy mountain
When I grow up, I want to be a: policeman
My favorite thing to do is: play with my friend Silas
If I had one wish, I would wish: to live inside a crocodile book and be a crocodile.

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