Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Day of Preschool

Maddie had her first day of preschool in Mr. Sellke's 4 year old class! This was the teacher Marin had last year when she was 4, so this was a BIG bonus for my timid little girl. She had a great day, and was brimming with confidence, since she already was so familiar with everything that happens in this class. She came home with a wide smile, and already bubbling about a new friend she made. Also unlike last year, she was chatting up the entire office staff, as well as the 3 year old teachers (we had to go visit our old teachers after class was over!)... what a difference a year makes :)

Side note: I find it hysterical that both girls chose their red/white dresses as "first day of class" choices. If you even knew how many different dresses these girls own, you would understand what I'm saying. They just really REALLY like to match. Ironically, Marin's first day was last Thursday, and Maddie's was today (Tuesday), so the matching even crossed time boundaries. And yes, they basically choose all their own clothes now. I give creative suggestions when I'm allowed :) I got each one of them a little hanging shoe cubby for their closet, and "we" choose their entire week's worth of outfits over the weekend & stuff the cubbies with all necessary accessories & parts of the outfit. It makes the morning routine much smoother, since there are no discussions about weather concerns & debating if that red dress matches those pink leggings (or not). We are four days into the school year, but so far so good :)


Devon @ CrossTraining said...

Love it! Brings back so many memories seeing pics of Mrs. Sellke's class :) Can't believe how quickly these monkeys are growing up!

Unknown said...

I love the pic of Max at the desk! Did he cry when he didn't get to go to preschool? I'm glad Maddie is having an easier year! Yay Maddie!!!

Corrigans said...

Cute pics! I'm glad Maddie's so much more confident this year! Yay Maddie!