Saturday, May 14, 2011

Raising money for St Jude Childrens Hospital

My sweet girls... They were so excited this year to ride in their preschool's bike-a-thon fundraiser, to raise money for St. Jude's Childrens Hospital. I love this fundraiser because it supports a hospital that does not  require families to pay, if they don't have insurance. Families of sick children can focus on their child's care, rather than stress about money. I can especially appreciate this sentiment, remembering one year ago when my precious Max was in Portland's Emanuel Childrens Hospital. I can't imagine the stress of paying such high bills on your own.

So needless to say, we were extra excited this year. The girls raised a total of $210! I am a witness that they truly biked their buns off, pedaling hard for those sick kids! Thank you to everyone who sponsored them and supported such an amazing cause.

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