Thursday, June 3, 2021

Memorial Day Weekend

We took advantage of the GORGEOUS holiday weekend weather, and got a couple adventures in. Kyle took Marin and Marcus out clamming in Tillamook, and as far as I could tell, nobody even complained about the 5:30am wakeup time. I think the car donuts helped :) They got the maximum catch (this means we now have 60 monster clams in our fridge/freezer), so I might want to research some recipes! Kyle fried a bunch up, but we have so much left. Max and I took Winnie for a swim at our local stream, and a little 1-on-1 time...

The whole crew visited the zoo, and it was a ZOO! The numbers had been restricted due to pandemic protocols, but certainly that has changed because it was super crowded. Everyone is still wearing masks, which made this a safe-enough outing for us, as we zoom towards the rest of us getting vaccinated. I was excited to see Nora the polar bear, and her new exhibit! 

I am also thankful on this holiday for those who served our country. Particularly aware of a young man who lost his life last year in Afghanistan, the son in law of our California friends. He left his young, pregnant wife behind, now in the care of our friends - supporting their daughter who is now a young widow and mother. It's so easy to focus on our own lives, but holidays like these remind us to never forget the sacrifice some have made for all.

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