Sunday, July 26, 2020

Camp Quarantine May/June

This will be my last post entitled Camp Quarantine, because we will be done with the school year and hopefully able to add some more variety to our activity, despite the restrictions. Our spring consisted of distance learning (sooooo challenging!! but we did it, I am superbly proud of my four school kiddos), lot of cooking and eating, a big backyard swap (out with the play structure and in with the trampoline), puzzles, board games, going shooting in the woods, planting grass, home haircuts, daily hikes rain or shine (as they say in Sweden "no bad weather, only bad clothes"), reading all manner of books (including Marcus randomly announcing he will be choosing a Bible story to read the family, plus inspiring the neighborhood with his inspirational sidewalk chalk), chilling in the front yard, chilling in the back yard, an occasional food truck in the neighborhood, social distance visits with family/friends, and an insane amount of Zoom calls (which all my kids have still not recovered from. It's called Zoom Fatigue. I'm sure teachers had it too!

Our county did finally move from lockdown to Phase 1, which meant we could try out some time at the driving range, drop the kayaks in the boat launch, go to a restaurant and check out more park trails. Social distancing is hard, but we are making the best of it. We are wearing our masks and being careful because we know precautions are not just for us, but for our neighbors. Love Thy Neighbor, amIright!?!? This is an excellent opportunity to walk in the way of Jesus.

We all breathed a collective sigh of relief when the school year ended. Distance was at times grueling and frustrating, while at other times being smooth and successful. In the end, I'll celebrate that we didn't give up and I'm proud of my kids' effort.

Celebratory end of school year dinner at OSF.
These kids did incredible!

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