Friday, June 12, 2015

Marin Moments

I've had a few things to share about Marin lately...

1. Goals: one thing we have been talking about, and praying about a lot this year is friendship. Friends can be such a gift, and also a hard thing depending on what you are going through. In a nutshell, it was sort of a hard year in that area. She has some good friends, but there were some difficult patches with different girls in her life. We have been praying about it together, asking God to help Marin be a good friend, and receive the gift of friendship from those around her. I am so happy to say that the year ended on a really good note. Many of the frustrations have been resolved through good healthy conversation, and also just time healing wounds. I happened to walk by the school white board a few days ago, and found this telling response from Marin (of course, she always answers the white board question!!)... Thank you God for hearing our prayers!

Q: "What goals have you set and achieved this year"?
A: "Friends" - Marin

2. Garden club: she loves being outside, that girl... Her second round of doing garden club as a 3rd grader, and we even signed up as a family to tend the school garden for one week this summer. My sweet friend Danya even drove her home every day. What a blessing to have generous families near you who love the same things :) Love my little green thumb!

Marin, with one of her faithful friends, Brooklyn

3. Emotions: again, in the area of personal growth, I am seeing her be more in touch with her feelings. She is a thinker like her Daddy, and so it has been special for her to explore the feeling part of life more :) A little essay about chickens below:

"I think a chicken or chick would be the perfect pet. A chicken would be the perfect pet because it would have a good use: laying eggs. It is a good pet because it is an inspirational sight to see it grow through it's life cycle also. And it is a cute and adorable pet that makes you happy. Finally, a chicken can change your life in many ways by giving you more emotion. I told you why I think a chick is a good pet"

Marin and her well loved pet, Goldie Popcorn

4. Special memories: Marin and her class made me the most special "thank you gift" for my two years of volunteering in her class (she was in a split class, hence the two years with the same kids/teacher). The hand is Marin's hand traced, and all the kids cut out hearts and attached to this beautiful canvas. It is proudly displayed in my entry way, just like I promised them! I love those kids, it is the highlight of each school year, those hours I get to spend in the classroom with them.

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