Friday, June 3, 2011

Because my Daddy loves me...

A father's heart for his daughter is a beautiful thing. Kyle brought home a bouquet of flowers for each of the girls yesterday... Their inquiring and delighted little minds wanted to know: "Why Daddy? Why are these for me?"... To which he responded with his simple, life affirming answer: "Because I love you..."

Now all our friends coming in and out of our home this weekend will get to see two little faces brighten up when asked about the two different vases of flowers on our kitchen table. When asked what the special occasion was for getting her VERY OWN vase of flowers, they will each reply "Because my Daddy loves me"...

1 comment:

Mara said...

Loved getting caught up on your blog...great job! I think I've given it up :( Loved reading all about the Oregon Corrigans!