Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday Night (de)Lights

About a year ago, I got serious about a subject that was just bugging me. It was that dreaded hour of every mother's day, around 4pm, when we ask ourselves "WHAT AM I GOING TO MAKE FOR DINNER?!?!?"... So, a year ago I got serious about a monthly meal plan. It has been AWESOME and has totally energized our family's eating. I've noticed that food in our  home is generally healthier, yummier, and just more interesting. A side benefit I didn't expect was that I am actually starting to ENJOY COOKING (gasp).  One can only make Tuna Melt Casserole a certain number of times in a week before a revolt happens. And I am just super happy that this area of our life has been transformed from total 4pm chaos, to a calm planned approach resulting in variety & enjoyment by my entire family.

But you see, this is not the purpose of my post :) The PURPOSE is to highlight what happens on every Friday of the monthly plan. Friday is Kyle's day... He volunteered to have a "day" since he enjoys cooking, and we are ok with once a week take-out when he's not in the mood to cook. But when he IS in the mood, we are in for a real treat. He is such a good cook. I want to cry every time he cooks, it's that good. I may also be crying tears of joy that I am not cooking (didn't I just say I enjoy it now? hmmm...)  :) Anyway, and because of this, my children will literally eat ANYTHING the man cooks.

So this blogpost is dedicated to a recent delish meal of clams & mussels, garlic bread & tasty broccoli. The kids gobbled it up, we were fighting over the remains. LOVE MY HUSBAND THE CHEF!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

yum! Kyle - can you please start cooking over here on Friday nights? ;)