Thursday, November 11, 2010

An Angel, a Cheerleader and Superman... OH MY!

What fun we had dressing up in our costumes, carving pumpkins, having harvest parties at preschool, trying to get three little rascals to sit/stand still for one precious second to get a picture so I can remember these moments (oh my!). Sometimes when they won't take a picture for me, I must tell myself to BREATHE (it's just a picture, get over it you crazy mother!)... I just don't remember anything anymore (sleep deprivation will do that to ya!) so I must capture the pictures even if it requires bribing, possible yelling, sweet-talking, canoodling or begging. Not necessarily in that order. Eventually they feel sorry for me or just start laughing at all my antics anyway. Okie dokie, enough jibber jabbering and onto the pictures!

Oh mom, how could you? :) Because I can, and you're cute my sweet boy.


Anonymous said...

These pictures are too cute! They look like they sure had a lot of fun! :) Oh Max.... you are adorable :)

Sarah J. said...

So cute!