Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sweden 2019

Wow, where to begin with this one. Kyle and I went on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Sweden to visit our Texas-Swedish Corrigan family, living in Stockholm. WHAT AN INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE!!!

The weather was literally perfect (even the locals kept telling us how unusual and warm it was), our tour guides were the BEST (I mean... please... tell me how many people you know who move to a foreign country, and not only learn how to rock city life with two preschoolers, but somehow ALSO manage to be the bests hosts ever while they juggle regular "raising little kids" demands). Let's just say, I am working on raising my own gaggle of kids, and I don't think I would have had the guts to do such a thing back then. I stand in admiration.

We had 9 glorious days in Sweden, majority was in the city with our family, and two on our own exploring the island of Vaxholm. So much fun to see the two different sides.

I loved this country. I loved seeing a different way of living, different values, different dress code, different ways of cutting in the subway line - I loved the food, the sights, the agriculture, all the sources of water. Especially though, I loved my "auntie time" with William and Emma. With no kids of my own to tend to, I got to truly relish giving attention to my sweet niece and nephew. Honestly, they are so so cute and hilarious. Did you know all kids make their parents crazy at times? But they NEVER make their auntie crazy (probably the same goes for grandparents!). Love my sweet BABIES!!

So thankful for Brian and Alyssa hosting us on this amazing trip together. We loved the time with them, and Kyle and I loved our adventure together. Priceless.

Anti-smoking campaign :)

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