Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Happy 10th birthday Max

Max is now in the DOUBLE DIGITS!!! What an amazing boy he is. He is hilarious, kind, thoughtful and insightful. He is both willing to stand aside for others, and yet also becoming more willing to step in when the situation calls for it. He is such a good big brother and is a hero to both Marcus and his pup Winnie.

On his actual 10th birthday, we were going to be in HAWAII (which is amazing), however, these kids are very attached to their traditions at home, therefore we had an early birthday before our trip, to make sure nothing was missed :)

Birthday cereal was Lucky Charms and he requested an actual replica of his birthday cake from when he turned 4 (a gumball cake but THIS time with actual gumballs... because 4 year olds are untrustworthy with 50 pieces of gum at once).

The county fair was going that day, so he requested that we all have a fair day. He was spoiled with lots of rides (his favorite was the trampoline high jump. It took the boys a few tries, but eventually they were flipping upside down and having a blast). Playing on the 4H tractors, visiting the animals, eating treats, and ending the day with presents and cake. Such a fun day!

Happy birthday my sweet Maxy!

Max is my rainbow baby (born after the baby we lost).
What a sweet sight on his birthday.
Two beautiful rainbows!

Max's personal motto

Watching an obnoxious circus duo, ha ha!
Their faces :)

Listen kids. No throwing up on the rides.

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