Sunday, September 6, 2015

Annual Camping with the Bury's

Another awesome camping trip with our besties, this year back to Nehalem Bay (where we have been before)... This year, though, it was camping with a twist. Forest fires across the Northwest meant an unexpected state wide burn ban starting the DAY before we arrived. There is nothing quite like camping without a campfire. The nightly activities, and cooking plans were a little strange.

We were kind of crotchety about it at first, because honestly get the four of us together and it's a lot of snark. But then on Day 2 or 3, the winds blew in smoke from the east, and it was like the sun was literally covered up. Marcus said "look mom, the sun is broken"... It was very eery, like the Apocalypse. You will not hear me complain about a lack of campfire again, because those forest fires are terrible and it is not worth the risk, just so the car-campers like us can be cozy.

We did have a great time despite these issues :) Our kids are like a darling gang of thieves, and each one of them is the most fabulous when they are together. Seriously, in how many situations can you get 8 kids together with no complaints, disagreements, or bickering? I cannot go camping with just my own family, because I need other people there to distract my 4 from their old habits. There is nothing like the Bury's to make our camping trip complete. Besties through thick and thin!

Propane lantern lighting the darkness

Silas hand-feeding Maddy her crab, since she doesn't like to touch it.
He is so good to her :)

Marcus putting Holland's shoes on for her. My word.

I am so immune to his craziness now ;)

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