Sunday, December 21, 2014

Special Marin

I have to document some of these special moments with my big girl Marin. She is having so many special experiences lately - many of them for the first time, and she shows such grace and maturity through them all. I am proud of that girl.

 1. Award at school: each class had the students nominate one of their classmates for the "Friend Award", and her class voted for Marin to receive this award. Kyle and I made a BIG deal out of this at home, we just cannot over-emphasize how much it means to us when our kids shine bright at school in the areas of leadership and friendship. We took the kids out to a special dinner at Old Spaghetti Factory (her choice), and the kids got the long-wished-for limeade with cotton candy topper. Also, we presented our "quality time" girl with a coupon good for one date with BOTH Mom and Dad. We went to a movie (The Book of Life). I'm proud of my girl who desires to be a good friend to all!

2. Big Buddies - also at school, Marin is now considered a "big kid", and each of the big kids her age are considered a Big Buddy and matched up with a kindergartner - this little peanut pictured here is her Little Buddy, and Marin takes her job very seriously, helping (but not TOO much) Little Buddy with projects & crafts. I cannot believe this girl is now BIG!!!! What.

3. Piano - Marin missed out on the spring piano recital due to her broken wrist, but this November she was FINALLY able to participate. It was a "duets" recital with her teacher, Miss Jenny. After a year of lessons, it was a special moment watching her first public music performance! She did SO GREAT :)  The kids had to stand up in front of the crowd, and explain what they visualize happening in the song they chose. Hers was about a cat, and she explained perfectly what you might expect to see if Garfield in a top hat & cane were dancing around. She thinks Garfield is hilarious, so I am not surprised at that one. I love that kid. 

3. Learning the recorder - the 3rd graders have spent the fall learning the recorder - Marin's music lessons have helped a ton with this - she knows how to read music, and she has her own recorder at home to practice on. I went to the class' final recorder performance and again - I am so tickled to watch these little "babies" be so grown up and learn new things. My favorite moment was when Marin closed her eyes and played one of the songs entirely from her heart. Oh, to feel the music!

4. Raising salmon - Marin's class is doing a salmon unit this year (she did this last year as well, as part of a split class)... The kids learn all about the life cycle and behavior of salmon, and even raise their own salmon in the classroom (thanks to the Oregon Zoo who partners with us). At the end, they release the salmon fry into the Tualatin River (the location where they will hopefully make it back to at the end of their life). Amazing! The super special part of this is that Marin and I were invited to be a part of the Oregon Zoo's making of a video to promote the zoo's programs in the schools & community. They wanted a parent/child combo who could be interviewed and talk about it's benefits and why it is special to us. Marin's teacher chose us, and we are SOOOOO excited. More to come on this - in the new year we will get the details. Pictured here is Marin releasing her baby salmon into the wild!

5. And lest you think she is too grown up for her own good, she still knows how to play house like a boss. For example, she did a pretty good job of "babysitting" her sister's doll, who needed to be swaddled and rocked to sleep while she was away. She put that baby right to sleep!

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