Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving 2014

Happy Thanksgiving! This year the girls had a whole week off school, so I pulled Max out early and headed to Camano for a week with the kids. Kyle joined us later on after he was done with work. We had the immense blessing of using my parent's neighbor's house for the entire week, and it was just such a gift to us. My sister's fam joined us for majority of the time too. While there for the week, the kids went swimming at the local pool, decorated cookies, went to the local Childrens Museum, played at the beach, caught a movie (Big Hero 6), painted nails, took walks with our cousins, played flashlight tag in the dark (thank you Auntie for your bravery on that one), did many puzzles, did many Legos, ate a delicious meal with all my family, and then - to top it off - had a SNOW DAY on the day we departed. Fun had by all. Thank you to my parents for an amazing time. (ps. this was the positive recap, the hard moments involved multiple sick family members, quarantined children with eye infections, not our best moments health-wise)... I choose to be thankful for our many happy memories that were created!

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