Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving this year was another example of holding plans loosely. Thank you 2020. We were planning to quarantine ahead and gather up at Camano with all the Newells for the Thanksgiving holiday. I had my yearly mammogram the week before, and the doctor found a suspicious area. In order to get a follow up scan with more detailed machines, I had to take an appointment the day after Thanksgiving, thereby skipping our trip. So disappointing, and honestly quite scary for me to wait a week wondering about my health. 

On the home front, we rode our bikes up to the fairgrounds and had a family game of kickball, and had a meal at home together. On the medical front, I was able to get my second scan and receive the all-clear. I received several encouraging notes, flowers and messages just helping me through the most hard week. So thankful.

This year, we did a Thankful Tree for the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. Here is the compilation of "thankfuls" from all of us:

* Thankful tree: nachos, blue ribbons, The Chosen, Max, the chickens, Whole30 diet, getaway drivers, Winnie, being healthy, hair, our house, Marin, my tablet, my brother, Cinnamon, River, Cow, Goat, pineapples, jicama, Christmas, flowers, blue skies, orange leaves, hot dogs, pencils, good doctors, knives, the Enneagram, my boys, my girls, almonds, matching clothes, quarantine enabling more family time, sugar, our friends, sisters & brothers, chicken noodle soup, Marcus, the Xbox, my fur baby, family, nectarines, Voxer, the sun, trees, the Lorax, burgers, Madeline, family walks, plants *

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