Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Goodbye Papa

My Papa passed away in the new year. He always sent the great-grandkids birthday cards and a $20 dollar bill. It was one of their highlights. Marin's note from him came a few days early, and it turned out it would be the last thing he would write. I just feel so thankful he had the inkling to send it early, and that we will have this special note to remember his generous heart towards us.

My favorite memories were going on jogs with him, how he taught me stick shift on the hills near his house, and his keen interest in my engineering studies and work after college. After "retiring" from engineering to raise my kids, he continued on with these conversations with my techy husband, and they could sit for hours talking about everything under the sun.

Our hearts are full of happy memories with him, and our prayers were with him until the end of his life. I loved him, and will never forget him.

One last pool game in the basement

Height chart in their kitchen

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