Friday, December 9, 2016

Thanksgiving weekend 2016

Some years, you just have to roll with things. This year for Thanksgiving, we were all packed up and ready to head up north to be with my family, when at 7am Thursday morning, my Dad called with the very sad news that both my parents were severely sick in bed (later the doctors confirmed BOTH flu and pneumonia)... Terrible!!! After all their preparation and hard work, what a sad turn of events. My sister's family also got hit with the stomach flu at the same time, so our travel plans screeched to a halt and we were looking around our house thinking "now what?"... Guess what is special - my husband is an amazing cook and he doesn't even have to plan in advance like me, in order to make yummy things. So he threw on his coat, went to Winco at 8am on Thanksgiving morning. He triumphantly arrives home with enough "surf & turf"  to feed a crowd. Crab, shrimp, steak, ribs, broccoli, mashed potatoes, pie...

I think we all felt a bit strange with our big push to travel and be with family, and then it all switching gears. We did have a beautiful meal (Marin even made her own Stovetop stuffing!), followed by Husky football, shooting in the woods, a new Christmas tree farm to explore (Christmas Tree Mountain), and the start of the new holiday season.Sometimes you just gotta shake some lemonade out of that lemon tree. I'm so thankful for my family, near and far.

Thanksgiving selfie 
Food selfie

Marin brought Mr & Mrs Claus hot chocolate after this pic
She felt bad they were standing allllll day!

My sweet family

He INSISTS on carrying the saw.
He swings his arms a lot.
Please give me an award.

He also insists on personally cutting down the tree ;)

This creation is adorable.

All four sleeping on the car ride home! Wiped.

The tree is up!

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