Monday, August 22, 2016

Annual Bury/Corrigan camping trip: Lake Billy Chinook

This year the Bury/Corrigan clan of 12 ventured inland for our annual camping trip. We traded ocean beaches for some lake livin'. We both brought our canoe/raft and then one day we rented a party barge for further lake exploration. There was lot of eating, drinking, scooter riding, fishing, swimming, hiking the trail several times a day to/from our campsite to the lake. Awesome time with our favorite favorite bestie family.

Marcus loves having one person younger than him to boss around.
PS. Bossy Lady doesn't cower easily ;)

Tent Kids

Group hug!

Storytime by the campfire

Holland loves coffee with the momma's

Best photo of the weekend

Bury/Corrigan party of twelve!

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