Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lights, camera, action

For the last two years, Marin's class has been involved in a grant from the Oregon Zoo. The kids raise salmon in their classroom, as part of their major salmon unit, and then at the end of the cycle, they release the salmon into the Tualatin River to begin their journey into nature. It has been really, really cool to have a zoo expert involved in the process. Here is the most exciting part... She and I were invited by her teacher & the Oregon Zoo to be the focus of a video the zoo is making to promote programs like this in the public schools. They will use it for public awareness, and at fundraising events to get more money for more schools. Right now, I think our school is the only one doing this program! So the cameras followed us around on a recent field trip, and interviewed the two of us on camera. The final product should be out this summer, but let's just say Marin is passionate and was a natural and her mother was (...in a high voice...) AWKWARD. I don't even care, it was such an awesome experience and one we can remember forever once we have that video in hand :) It was a very proud moment for me and her teacher... It is so rewarding to see one of your students/children just take the ball and run with learning.

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