Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Camping Trip 2013

I can't believe it! We actually went camping with a baby :) So proud of us... We had a fabulous, beautifully sunny & gorgeous, fun-filled, free-wheeling, food experimenting, freezing at night, roasting at day, baby-only-got-burned-once-on-the-campfire, staying up late, life sharing, letting loose week with our Bury Besties. That makes 4 adults & 7 kids... Perfection.
I cannot say enough how much I absolutely LOVE camping. Even despite the fact that normal things are 10x harder with little kids (bathroom situations), and you have to adapt to the change of 'living outside' (freezing at night)... But these are all things that you start to master, the more you do it... And the challenges pale in comparison to the immense joy I feel at having the fresh air in my hair, no makeup, communing with nature, campfire roasted food, the sun on my face. What can I say, I am a nature girl at heart! Too much of my life is lived indoors in a sanitary & technology soaked environment. Going camping & hiking just reminds me how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE being in out nature :)
We had a total blast with each other!! Side note: while we were all at the beach one afternoon, Sommer was observing our kids playing and how interesting it is to see their relationships change as they grow up. We were watching Max/Silas play smash ball, and Maddy/Jewel hugging each other and rolling down a sand hill together. What started as primarily a "Maddy & Silas" special bond, has morphed into: "Marin & Silas" adventure partners, "Maddy & Silas" quiet time partners, "Jewel & Maddy" girl power buddies, "Max & Silas" boy power buddies, "Trey & Marcus" hugging contest partners... just so fun to see how they change and grow. And it's Cherishing these moments in my heart!
This little boy... loves nothing more than to be perched somewhere with this Da-da... I love their relationship :)


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