Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Winter Wonders

Some highlights this winter: date night with neighbors, Marcus went to Let's Hopscotch with some friends, an amazing Evergreen women's retreat, some more fantastic letterboards, NEW DIABETES TECHNOLOGY (WOO HOOOOOO! Goodbye terrible rash Max has suffered with for three years! Praise the Lord for scientists who tenaciously search for answers/cures/solutions!), some baby snuggles (why is holding a warm baby just the thing we need sometimes?). Also, Winnie the Wonderdog enjoyed the snow, investigating a suspicious yard sign, stealing my shoes and living upside down.

And, the most bittersweet experience -  the memorial of our dear friend Steve. I've never been to a memorial of someone so universally beloved, whose impact on lives is so consistent. I suppose when you consider your "job" of Hub, Dad, Father-in-Law, Pops, Brother, Uncle, Therapist, Friend so seriously, the impact is just breathtaking. And, above all those human relationships, Steve loved God. With his mind, his heart, his humor, his honesty, his curiosity, his patience, his warmth. With all of himself, Steve loved Jesus. I read somewhere that integrity is defined by all the areas of your life lining up. You are integrated in your head, heart and actions. With Kyle on my left, and my bestie Sommer on my right, in aisles next to old friends who share memories together of church life with Steve and Sandie  - and we cried buckets of tears for someone we loved. Thank you, God, for the gift of Steve.

January birthdays

We got to celebrate three birthdays in January this year. Marin had her first birthday away from home (care package sent with love). A little brag, she made it on the Dean's list her first quarter as a college freshman studying Engineering! Kyle enjoyed a family outing to his favorite Ochoa's Mexican, and we also got to celebrate Esteban's 18th birthday. Fun, all around!

New beginnings

As the new year rolled over to 2025, I was stunned, STUNNED to learn that the company I've used to print this blog into a book, is no more. I mean, the internet is vast, so I'm sure I'll find an alternative, but this seems to also coincide with me taking less and less pictures. Maybe it's because I almost have four teenagers (translation: why are you taking my picture). I will try to hit the highlights, but I know the seasons are changing. I'm still happy to share the tidbits we capture, for our family memories!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful season of celebration - every year it's different now that the kids are older and going in different directions! We took the boys to Bellingham for some holiday cheer with my family (lots of fun - yummy food, go-kart racing, mini-golf, hikes along the water, movie night, cozy coffee houses, and tons of games). All of us gathered with the Corrigans the weekend after Christmas, with lots of fun too! We hosted Nana and Poppy for Christmas dinner, with something new this year - a sleepover! Had fun playing games with them together late into the evening. Marcus and I did our traditional "ding dong dash" where we drop off treats on doorsteps. I helped serve food at Marcus' youth group Christmas party, and squeezed in our annual cooking baking day with friends. We went to our neighborhood NYE party (theme: PJ's and Pork - bring a bacon themed food item to share) - my fave part of these gatherings is catching up with neighbors I don't see during the year much. There are some pretty special people in my zip code LOL  - sometimes you just gotta slow down enough to see that! The holidays can be nuts, and I really do love all the fun, but have come to appreciate those slower conversations that happen at just the right time. I also am struck by how generous people are this time of year - wanting to find ways to invite people in, use their resources to bless others. It is magical. It's those little observations that help me see Emmanuel, God is with us, during our Advent readings. Also... changed up the lights on the house this year. We are about ten percent of the way to Griswald status!

Wise words for me too, this season