Here are some fun moments with the firstborn.
- She is excited at the thought of being in charge, and decided to celebrate my status as "boss" amongst the kids by making me a necklace. (Funny enough, she made Marcus one that says Baby Boss but he was offended at being called a baby, and refuses the acknowledge it). I, on the other hand, embrace my status. Side note about being in charge - she is THE BEST babysitter for her siblings... making "date night Friday" a reality for the first time in 12 years. Thank you doll!
- She won the character award at school in February, each class awarded one student in the area of Service. I'm so proud of her servant heart, and how she regularly volunteers with service projects and loves helping out. Side note - the other 6th grade class award went to her friend Hayden who has been in school with her since they were 3 years old, so perhaps their stellar attitude of Service harkens back to the awesome preschool they started out in. Ha ha!
- Also at school, she has twice now gotten up in front of the whole assembly and led the monthly school song into the microphone. The first time with another classmate, and this most recent time WITH MARCUS. I can't recall a kindergartener ever leading the school song, but I guess when your sister is a 6th grader, you get special opportunities. My dream is for all 4 of them to lead the song next, because that would make my ENTIRE life complete. I'm already in a state of euphoria this year, since they are all at the same school. So having my own little VonTrapp family of singers up there singing "We are smart, we are cool and we love Qutama school" would probably send me quite over the edge, straight into heaven. I think I need to have Marin use her VIP status to arrange this. Stay tuned!
- Church retreat - a special weekend with her youth group at the ocean! Once again, she did great managing her own food, and got to enjoy a few days with her amazing leaders and friends. I'm so thankful for her amazing community.
- Spring break - A babysitting class resulting in this lady becoming Red Cross Pediatric CPR certified!! I'm so proud of her, she even stayed up late before the test studying. She is so excited to start babysitting soon. (Not counting her siblings, with whom she has had a LOT of practice). She is taking her future babysitting duties very seriously, and plans to bring a first aid kit along to all her assignments. Go girl. Also during spring break, she took a gluten free baking class from her fave local bakery Blue Moon Bakery. I'm excited for future chances for her to cook with the owner, Melissa! She is amazing, and they really hit it off!
- Date with Dad - one of her birthday gifts was a trip to do indoor skydiving! She loved it, as usual. Actually, she wants to do real skydiving next. Oh my word.
- Middle School orientation - also known as a date with Mom and Dad to investigate her new life, coming soon. She is so excited for middle school! She has requested "Art" for her first choice elective, and even was able to chat up the art teacher about getting gluten-free art supplies (a necessity with Celiac due to the airborne nature of some supplies and art projects). He was so awesome, he plans to investigate their supplies to make sure she is safe. Can't believe we are already approaching middle school, but I feel so confident in Marin being ready!
- Birthday party with her awesome friend group... such amazing kiddos, i love them all!